Warm, winter greetings to you all! What a phenomenal month we have had and it’s all thanks to you and your unwavering support of our Facebook page and our online store https://j-t-mcmaster.myshopify.com
The Creepy Crawlie sheet has proven to be extremely popular – we now have the same sheet in lemon yellow and black, light green and black, light blue and black and simulated gold and black.
The Fabulous Feline sheet is now available in simulated gold as well as black and grey, navy blue and periwinkle blue.
When I decided to go ahead with the online store, I made a promise to myself that I would try to keep the stock fresh and interesting hence my ordering smaller quantities of transfers which sell out reasonably quickly. I do my best to order different designs in small batches so that the market is not saturated with the same designs – with that said, if you do see any transfer in any of the collections in our online store and you would like me to re-order, please feel free to drop me a mail – jtmcmaster2016@gmail.com and I will do my best to accommodate your request.
I am busy working on adding a few new products to the store and will update in due course.
In the meantime, as always, it remains a pleasure and a privilege to have you on board.
All the best,
Lauren Skoll